Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Out of retirement, just like Lance!

Well, not really.  But does anyone actually quit anything when they say they are going to?  I'm sure someone does... but not me.  So I couldn't travel the 1072 miles across Texas (but who's counting?) without crossing the state border into New Mexico.  I took a spin out to Sunland Park, NM this morning before I surrendered my bike to the folks at Crazy Cat Cycling for disassmbly and shipping.  Now I'm just a regular civilian, riding the bus with all the El Paso commuters.  One thing I noticed... Northeast, we could use some work making our bus terminals attractive.  El Paso's downtown terminal looks like someplace you wouldn't mind going.  Burlington Vermont's downtown bus facility... thumbs down.  Let's not even talk about Penn Station in NY.
  But alas, it's time for this one to go home.  And I do dearly love the Northeast, the Green Mountains, and the people there too.  Thanks for having me southern USA!


  1. Nice goin' Lance!!! Will you be coming back for a second encore like, say Michael Jordan???

  2. No, I'm done. And this time I really mean it. And I've never used performance enhancing drugs.... at least none that enhanced my performance.

  3. This is your victory lap! Good for you....good for all of us!

  4. Y'all come back, ya hear?

    Herb & Susie
