Sunday, December 27, 2009

More Texas art...


  1. Now THAT'S a keeper! Museum quality. I wonder if that would work on my RAV4!

  2. Can't say as I've seen a Zebra sporting steer horns but you may have discovered a new species, Carl. You might name it Carlmobile and be famous!


  3. Carol, it wouldn't just work on the RAV4, it would be perfect! It's about time to snap some of them Fairhopian Hoity Toities where it counts, and introduce them to some Art Americana! And you're just the woman to do it. I think I can fix you up with a great custom shop in Van Horn.

    Shel, I think I may have discovered a few new species down here.
    I can see me with this as the carlmobile. I might get me a driver, dress up in a Santa suit, string 'er up with lights and follow around the S D Ireland cement mixer that they parade around at Christmastime.
