Sunday, December 6, 2009

The 'Hanging Jail' in DeRidder, LA (now closed)


  1. Beautiful!!! What is it? Interesting to see the grid in front of windows?

    No painting....? Thank God!!!!


  2. O.K I did it again....Just saw the title of the picture!!!!!

    Cannot believe it was a jail!!!!

  3. The tower was built for...yup, hangin's. I didn't go in, but the writeup I saw said there are 3 floors of cells, all looking in toward the center. So all the remaining charges could see their buddies swing. I guess that was the correctional aspect of it. Though it doesn't sound like anyone has been strung up there for years, the jail operated into the 1990s, until the courts forced them to close it. (Not sure why, spooking the prisoners??)

  4. An old jail in NH was converted to a restaurant where the guests each got their own cell for dinner. This place looks just right for that. I guess mock hangings every night might be more than the patrons could stomach, but otherwise...I'd eat there.

  5. Hell, this is Texas! They could hang your cow right in front of you and by God and Glory you'd know your steak was fresh!
