Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Doug!

Of course, it's almost over now... but here's hoping you had a great birthday, Douglas.
  I made the roughly 45 miles from Gulf Shores to Carol's in Daphne.  A hot shower, dinner at a local Thai restaurant, great company, and an actual bed to sleep in... can't beat that.  I'll likely stay through tomorrow and push out to Mobile and beyond on Friday.  Too bad, but it looks like this time the solar charger company sent my replacement to California. Ooops!


  1. Carl,

    Wishing you a wonderful, happy Thanksgiving.


  2. to California!? Oh my. Get your money back!! Well, I'm just home from work and having a solo, relaxing Thanksgiving. Making rice and beans :) Anywho- have a great Tgiving! PS- TO post comment non-anonymously...just select name/url from the drop down menu, and just type in your name and leave the url blank! Works like a charm...
