Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blog Comments

Hi all,  I guess folks are having difficulty posting comments on the blog.  Try this...  after the comment box there is a selection box that says something like 'select profile'.  If you don't have a gmail account, click in that box, go to the bottom and select 'Anonymous'.  That should let you post.  It would be great if you signed your post so I know who is commenting (unless you want to tell me how badly my blog sucks-  I always like to do that sort of thing anonymously).


  1. Your favorite reader is jealous of all the birding you are doing.....and very Happy for you!!! It must have been quite a show....well deserve!!!! Wishing you many more.

  2. Yeah, the waiter wanted to talk about the Ford Granada in the parking lot. I said "forget the Granada man, do you see those Gannets?! He just went and waited on someone else.

  3. Merci for the tip you did get my comment yesterday. Happy trail to you!

  4. Am so glad you are having such great birding experience and eventhough the weather may suck some days, it beats the cold and rain up here. We've actually had a sunnier November than I can remember for a while. Truly enjoying reading your blog. My niece and I and maybe a friend will be doing a 3 week road trip this summer.

  5. I've spent a lot of time on the water in Florida and am always amazed at the skill of the diving birds. The Cormorants will duck under the water and most always come up with a fish while the Pelicans dive from up high and usually end up with a fish as well. The Seagulls pester both of them hoping for scraps. Have you seen a flock of Pelicans as they fly from point A to point B just inches, and I mean inches, above the water? Must take real discipline.
    Have Fun!

  6. Shel,
    Pelicans gliding over the water are marvels to watch. Pelicans diving are somewhat painful to watch. Though as you say they often seem to be successful, it's hard to understand how they don't get concussions. Pnuematics, most likely.
